How do the movement play experiences promote learning and social engagement?
Movement Play focuses on sensory stimulation and learning.
Experiences like rolling and balancing, swinging and pulling stimulate nerves in the skin, ears and muscles, which helps to connect up the brain.
This means children may start to focus, to follow instructions and to plan ahead …
… to manage thoughts, feelings and behaviour more easily.
Movement Play also focuses on attachment and social engagement.
Smiles and laughter, eye contact and gentle touch are crucial to our social and emotional lives. They stimulate the brain to release a chemical called oxytocin … “the feel-good hormone.”
And by having these positive interactions in sessions children may begin to feel mostly steady …
… to experience a deeper sense of trust and empathy with others.
What is the role of adults?
The role of adults is to be available and to find opportunities to smile at children …
… to respect and be interested in everything they say and do while moving and playing.
After about four sessions children sometimes start to make up role play games.
It is important that adults listen and give time to the emerging storylines because it helps children to feel special, powerful and responsible for their own behaviour.